Saturday, September 27, 2008

Update on Our Girls!!

Moiran on her first day of Kindergarten!!!

Lezlie being silly!!

These girls are getting so big. Moiran is almost 6 and Lezlie will be 1 in a matter of weeks. Mo just started kindergarten and she got her own library card. Lezlie has mastered climbing the stairs and is getting braver in her endeavors to walk. I just can't believe how they are growing. They are growing up and our world in is constantly changing.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Well here I am again.

Okay so I am not so good at this. I have had alot on my mind. It is the end of September and I have only posted one blog entry. I haven't even had time to add pictures or even let all my friends know that it exists. Anyway I will try harder to do this right.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Our First Family Blog

Hey everyone. Well I decided to start a family blog. Since not everyone has a myspace it is hard to really let everyone know what is going on. So here it is. I will add some pictures and such over the next few days.
Love to all,
Emily, James, Moiran and Lezlie