Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Twinners First Real Meal!!

They both really like sweet potatoes.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Grand Tetons

The Jackson Lake

The Girls By the Yellowstone River
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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Peanut and Peapod!!

You can't tell they are sisters can you??
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Mo and the Peapods!!

What a proud big sister!!!
I was playing with my photo's and I only did this one but i love the way it turned out!

Peanut Having Fun!!

Lezlie has a book where she can pretend to be animals. She wanted me to take her picture as all the animals. I wish I had a recording of the soudn effects that she was making along with the faces.

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She is Trying to Crawl!!!

Note the Cherrio stuck to her head.

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Moiran's New Do!!!

Moiran decided it was time to cut off her hair. She was so excited about it because she was able to donate it to "Locks of Love". I think it turnned out really cute and she is having so much fun because she can take care of it pretty much by herself now. She even looks so much more grown up.
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My Kiddo's

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Who couldn't love this face?

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