Thursday, June 23, 2011

Holy Cow!!! That is all I can say!!

Life has been more than crazy. I have not even had a chance to breath let alone actually get our blog updated. So here is a quick run down and hopefully soon I will have pictures eventually.

We have moved and everything is in weird places still. I can't find anything. My computer has been dead. But is now working thanks to a friend.

Now for more details.

Twins turned one in March.

Moiran is thriving in swimming.

Lezlie is my little Princess almost always dressed up as one too.

James is working hard.

I am trying desperately to finish getting us settled and plan the Family Reunion I am in charge of for James side of the family. It is only a month away and I am stumped.

So that is that!!

I am crazy and one day will update pictures when I find my cables.

Monday, February 28, 2011

I am so behind!!!!

So I am a little more than way behind. But I will have all the updates done by the end of tomorrow. I just haven't had my laptop since before Christmas and my pictures have been trapped inside of it. So bear with me and I will get them posted.

Halloween 2010