Friday, November 9, 2012

Hi all I finally figured out how to get a PayPal button for Mo's swim-a-thon.

Moiran is a member of the Idaho Falls Cutthroats. They hold an annual swim-a-thon to help the kids raise money to help off set the costs of meets and other events they attend. It also allows for our dues to be less.

Mo has a minimum goal to reach $150.00, normally she would do this by having people donate a certain amount of money per lap swam. Unfortunately she came down with a severe case of the croup and can't swim tomorrow. She wanted me to let everyone know she will attend and be present to support her team.

If you feel like you can contribute in helping her meet her goal and or exceed it we would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks a bunch


Please use this button:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lezlie's Dance Picture!

Lezlie started dance in the fall. She has taken to it very well. Which being such the ham that she is it doesn't surprise me. She has had 2 performances already with more coming up. She is such a talented little girl.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Oct 2011 Uncle Joe leaves for MTC

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Fall 2011 Pumpkin patch, Spook splash for Mo.

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Twins turnned 2!!!

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Our swimmer 2012

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