Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!
I hope everyone had a visit from Santa. We managed to get the girls picture with Santa at the mall yesterday. I would not suggest waiting till Christmas Eve for it, it took almost an hour in line.
We had a nice Christmas morning. James had to work so we got the girls up at 6 am so that he could be there when they found what Santa had left them. It was fun to watch as they saw their treasures throuh sleepy eyes. Lezlie went straight to her loot and picked up a stuffed puppy and said "woof woof" and ran around in a cowgirl hat and piggy slippers. Moiran found that Santa had left her not nly one but two stuffed penguins. All in all it was a great morning.
James will be home from work around 4:30 then we will be shoveling the drive since we have over a foot of snow that everyone gets stuck in. Talk about a "White Christmas"!!
I will add the pics from this morning later.
Love to all


Pirate Princess said...

They are just beautiful Emily! I can't believe when I go out of town and not checking the blog you go and post all this stuff! lol!!!

I have to admit though, I ADORE the bathtub pics! How bout that hair, huh??? :D