Friday, February 20, 2009

I hate unpacking!!!!

So for those of you who don't know yet our house didn't sell. So we decided to take it
off the market and move back.Well, we have been here back going on a month and I still have no idea where things are. Most of our belongings are still boxed and in storage. I am glad to be back but the mess and the lack of organization is driving me insane. I found this sign and decided that it fit how I feel, so I promptly hung it. Anyway, things are so disfunctional around here I am lucky to get anything done. I will defiately try to get it together soon. Now if I could only find my other sign that says "Make yourself at home, clean my kitchen" I will be set.


Par 5 said...

Hey, that's great you get to move back to your house! Your girls are sure growing up! Too bad we still don't live across the street!

Pirate Princess said...

lol! Great sign - if you find the other one, let me know! ;)