Saturday, July 24, 2010

Life is crazy!!!

It is hard to believe that the "twinners" are almost 5 months old. It seems like we just brought them home from the NICU some days, then others it feels like we have had them with us forever. It has been hard to keep up with many things lately. Life in general seems to get in the way. Trying to keep up with the responsibilities of motherhood and still keep my home in order. I honestly feel like I am out of control. I think it is mainly because I haven't slept in forever. My sweetheart does try and let me sleep whenever he can, it just seems that my big girls think that when I am trying to sleep they need to get into trouble then come wake me up to attempt to have me bail them out. LOL!!! That doesn't work. Anyway, I am tired and very warn out. But I keep going. Here is the latest update about the family. Sorry for the rant...but I needed to vent.

James is loving his job at BYU-I. He works the baker shift so he is gone at night and sleeps when he can during the day. I try and keep the kids quiet for him, again that doesn't work very well. I will usually end up taking them to my parents or just out so that he can rest.

The girls are getting bigger all the time. Mo has been accepted into the K-12 virtual academy and will be able to home school. Peanut is almost potty trained and is a total character. Together they are quite the pair.

The twins are getting bigger. They both are over 10 lbs. Now they are starting to scoot across the floor. I also think they are starting the beginning stages of teething. I have to admit they have made life interesting. Their big sisters adore them and love to play with them.

As for me I am loosing my mind as usual. But I am surviving. Some-days are better than others. I am taking life day by day. I have found ways to get time for me. I have started working to get my photography up to par. I have done a few weddings and some family photos now and I am getting better all the time. Also, I have started doing something to make money from home. I am helping people learn how to change the way they shop, make their homes a safe place with green products and make a little or a lot of extra money for their families. It seems to be going well. I am starting to make money.

Anyway, that is the lastest from the "House of Usher". We are still here but totally insane. I will post again when I have time to myself again.