Friday, November 20, 2009

The verdict is in!! TWINS!!!!!!!

For all who vote boy you are correct, for all that voted girl you are also correct. Why? Because it is one of each!!! Baby B is our boy and baby A is our girl!!! Wish us luck we are in for one crazy ride!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bikes and Our Girls!!

Moiran got a bike for Christmas almost 2 years ago and last summer we took off the training wheel but she just couldn't get the hang of it. Well Lezlie was given a tricycle for her birthday and Moiran decided to teach her how to ride.  This encouraged her to ride hers finally.  I managed to get on of the maiden voyages on tape so here it is.

First Day of school, Lezlie's Birthday, Halloween!!

It has been too long since I posted. I spent the better part of the last few minths with morning sickness that lasted all day long. SO!!! Here are picks of the last little while.

First Day Of 1st Grade!!

No Front Teeth!

Lezlie Blowing out Candles on 2nd B-day!!

I love Cake!!

Lady Bug and Peanut!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Random Pics from a crazy summer

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lezlie's First Haircut!!

Lezlie need a haircut. As cute as she was I just couldn't stand not being able to see her face. Also, the snot in the bangs routine was just getting to much for me to stand. I think she looks just as cute with her bangs!! She is getting so big I can't believe it. She isn't a baby anymore!!

First Camping Trip of the Summer

We went camping up at Warm River. It is a gorgeous spot. The river is right outside your tent and the fishing was great even though we didn't catch anything. We survived 2 days of rain but the sun came out and we decided to stay an extra night and day. I didn't get too many pictures because I didn't want a wet camera.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Coronado Beach San Diego 2009

It was so nice to let the girls play at the beach for the first time. I just wish we had more time!!! It was a very fast trip down. We literally got to SD on Wednesday and left on Friday. We were there for a wedding and managed to take a few minutes for fun!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

What a child won't say!!

So I have to tell this because, I think it is hysterical. I took Moiran and Lezlie for a ride down by the river so that they could see the baby geese. It was raining so we didn't see any. As we were driving I pointed out that there was a huge spray of water coming from the dock. It was really pretty. We decided to investigate so I drove to the dock and we saw a fire truck cleaning out it tanks and spraying the water with the big gun out into the river. Moiran asked "what are they spraying the water out there for?" I told her that they were probably cleaning the water tanks. Now here is the whole point of the story. She responded..."or there could be a fish on fire!!" Holy cow I laughed so hard I cried. Sometimes I wonder where they come up with them. LOL!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter and Springtime by the River!!

I took the girls for a walk down by the river we had a wonderful time. It was the first and only warm Saturday we have had so far all spring

I took these the when we were out walking. It was gorgeous and warm. A storm came in while we were out. I thought the sky looked cool with the thunderstorm clouds. Also the seagulls just happen to get in the picture.

Moiran and her blue Spud Bunny!!! She wouldn't stay in her dress for the life of me. She is getting so grown up!!

Lezlie and her Spud Bunny sitting in her chair. She is so cute!!

Mommy and silly girls on Easter Moiran had already taken her dress off. I never did get a picture of her in the dress.

Daddy and his girls. Lezlie fell asleep right before we went out to take picture's on Easter afternoon!!

Our New Car!!!

As many of you know our car had been on the verge of death for sometime now. Well we finally got her replaced. Strawberry Short cake as Mo called it went to car heaven. Yeah, a car that can fit all of us and a few others. It is so nice to have something I am not afraid won't start in the morning!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lezlie can say her name!!!

Our Baby can say her name!!!

Lezlie can say her name. It's hard to believe she is 1 1/2. Wow time flies!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Okay So I Am A Slacker!!!

Here are some updated pictures. I know, I know I promised to keep this updated, life just got in the way for awhile. Not to mention the camera went missing for a few weeks. Here is a quick explination of pictures: We had a St. Patty's party it was a blast. Lezlie and Mo having fun after a bath. Lezlie with more bad hair. I have more pick that I will add hopefully later tonight. As I said i am a royal slacker lately, we've just been too busy.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I hate unpacking!!!!

So for those of you who don't know yet our house didn't sell. So we decided to take it
off the market and move back.Well, we have been here back going on a month and I still have no idea where things are. Most of our belongings are still boxed and in storage. I am glad to be back but the mess and the lack of organization is driving me insane. I found this sign and decided that it fit how I feel, so I promptly hung it. Anyway, things are so disfunctional around here I am lucky to get anything done. I will defiately try to get it together soon. Now if I could only find my other sign that says "Make yourself at home, clean my kitchen" I will be set.

Messy Face!!!

I couldn't resist these Picture's. Lezlie has decided that she likes to feed herself soup. Well as everyone can see she also thinks it is funny to wear her soup. She is so silly!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mo's Birthday "Holy Moly" She's 6!!!

Moiran being a clown would not pose for an actual Birthday Picture. So theses are the best I could get. I can't believe that my girl is 6. It seems like it went so fast!!!

A New Year and a Month Behind!! "Merry Christmas" Hahaha!!!

Okay so I promised that I would keep up at least once a week with our blog. Well, as you can see I am not so successful. Anyway here are some pics from Christmas. I know it is the end of January. Forgive me I am ipdating tonight!! Enjoy!!!